What the people who commission me say
"Alex is a highly engaging facilitator who takes time to understand the culture and goals of the organisation as well as the specific strengths and aspirations of the individuals she works with. Alex has a sound approach to helping people transform their attitudes and behaviours focusing on the positive art of the possible with a healthy sprinkling of challenge and stretch. Her impact on a team is strong and goes way beyond the training space. She enables people to make and sustain change through interventions with them, their managers and their teams. I have enormously enjoyed working with Alex and observing the confidence, ability and self belief of my learning and development team really grow with her support. The changes they have made individually and as a team have significantly improved the performance of my function."
Director of Customer Services, Severn Trent Water
“She is realistic but also optimistic in her stance and this helps overcome the initial scepticism of staff. She will challenge negative views in a productive way when this is needed to move things forward. An important feature of her approach is the ability to be flexible in the running of learning events and to make changes in content and timing if this is needed to enable participation and learning. She is not fazed.”
Personalisation lead, Croydon
“Alex has worked with us on a range of different initiatives, from staff training to citizen leadership. She brings a wealth of experience and insight to each piece of work, as well as a fantastic level of commitment and enthusiasm. Her facilitation skills are truly impressive, and her contribution to our personalisation work has been invaluable"
Personalisation lead, Kingston Upon Thames
"It was so lovely to have you there. I knew we were in safe hands. I can't believe the quality of the work that the room produced. People felt comfortable to really speak their minds. You moved us on so far. And I could actually sit back and take part instead of worrying about the day! Thanks so much"
CEO, Shared Lives, Newham
“A* The best delivery of training I’ve been on to date ✪ Alex was very good at holding the attention of the group ✪ Great fun and energetic ✪ Good and clear ... Bought some fun! ✪ Alex is a great trainer. Made the course fun and interesting ✪ This was very good. Alex is secure in her knowledge of the subject ✪ An excellent communicator ✪ Enthusiastic and passionate ✪ Excellent. I loved it. ✪ Her energy, knowledge and enthusiasm was infectious! ✪ Charismatic and inspirational. She held my attention all day. ✪ Well presented. She talked to us not at us. A welcome change! ✪ A great trainer, saw her passion, she grabbed people’s attention and held it. ✪ Really lively and innovative ✪ A brilliant course. Everyone should do it. ✪ It expanded my sense of belief and my knowledge base. ✪ Excellent - great crowd management! ✪ Awesome! ✪ She kept my attention ALL DAY! A very good trainer. ✪ There will be a positive atmosphere in the building from tomorrow ✪ She was really good at getting people to think for themselves ✪”
“✪ This course will empower me to change things. It has given me fresh hope. ✪ I can look differently at how we work together as a staff team ✪ It has made me more open minded ✪ Really made an impact on helping me to understand what’s possible ✪ I can now give more ✪ I feel more optimistic ✪ It has provided me with the foundation to move forward. ✪ It has instilled confidence in what I can do to make a difference. ✪ The course helped me create a positive attitude to my job ✪”